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The world revolves around video in 2024. If your brand isn't yet advertising through video, you might want to reconsider.

How can it benefit your business?

  • On social media, video is the easiest content to digest. According to experts, people engage with video online more than any other type of content. More eyes and more engagement, means more customers buying your products!
  • Long form video can be a great way to explain your products, give customers an insight into behind the scenes and engage people with your brand. Remember our goal is to keep customers coming for years.
  • Short form video can catch the attention of anyone online, this often leads to new partnerships and new sales!

How much do you need to spend on video?

Some brands don't spend anything at all and yet produce a brilliant ROI from their videos. This requires a team effort and creativity.

In our experience, a budget for video will give you the best yields. This can be £100 per month, or it can be £2000 twice a year. It all depends on your needs as a business.

If you need a hand from us, we offer three packages:

  • Regular social media video package £75 / month (includes two minute long videos + 8 static posts each month)
  • Short form brand video £300 per minute of video
  • Long form explanational video or podcast starting from £750
  • Commercial Advert 1 minute - £900  2 minute - £1200  3+ minute - £1600

We hope you are now convinced that video should become a big part of your local business, it really makes a difference.

Please get in touch below if you want to start a project today!

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